Saturday, January 31, 2009

My Introduction and Vision

TECHNOLOGY!!! As a child, on more than one occasion, I said 'I will never have a need for technology'. You see, my daddy was a technical writer and always encouraged me to learn more about it. Well, I fought it long enough and as a result made myself silly scared of working with anything technical. I will admit my fears have subsided considerably and my level of knowledge has expanded minimally, but I have found the need to encorporate technology into my daily routines. While seeking (online might I add!!) an elective for this semester this course screamed my name. I chose this course as a tool to add to my repertoire of learning experiences for both myself and my classroom. Please do not misunderstand what I am trying to convey. I use technology everyday. I have a cell phone, laptop, desktop and a new wii in my home. As far as my classroom I don't feel like I use technology to the right advantage or near enough. I use technology and the students watch it. They don't get to experience it, or shall I say use it enough. I am confident that this course will give me the confidence and knowledge needed to utilize a wide range of technilogical tools for the classroom. I want for the students in my classroom to gain the full advantage of different technological experiences offered. Having said that, I am looking for skills I can directly link to my classroom so that my students will have different and meaningful learning experiences.

My masters degree started with the course requirements needed for the alternative certification program. Upon completion of the program it only made sense to complete my masters degree. Lord willing this August will be the end of this adventure in my life! Yea! At this time I am enjoying my classroom too much and have no intention of leaving it. However, I hope my degree will be an advantage if the good Lord should decide it's time for me to venture into another educational department.


  1. I understand completely what you said about not using technology to the right advantage or near enough in your classroom. I basically said the same thing in my blog. I, too, am looking for different technology experiences to offer to the students in my classroom on a daily basis.:)

  2. I think we'll learn a lot that will be useful in our jobs--I'm excited! I'm in a library and am looking for ways to use technology there.

  3. I am also looking for a variety of ways to enhance my career in education. I hope to learn new ideas to use in the future, whatever direction I am lead.

  4. Nancy,

    Growing up I never had a computer or anything technology wise. Our telephones were party lines, not even private.

    I once had a lady friend who was like my grandmother, she passed away a few years ago at the age of 101. She would tell me about all the things that she had seen change in her life. I think about all the different types of technology that she saw come to pass.

    I don't think that we can fight change it is going to happen even if we don't want it to. We as educators have to learn to adapt with the times and just try to keep up.

